Studio Training 2024
Studio Training for new hires
2023 Employee Forms (Print and Fill Out)
WATCH/READ: Orientation (18 minutes)
WATCH/READ: Employee Handbook (21 minutes)
READ: Employee Handbook (Studio)
READ: Staff App
READ: Safety
At Home Study and Studio Training Itinerary
Customer Experience
Arriving to and Leaving Work
Training on the Job (2:54)
Quiz: Training on the Job
Studio Policies (6:04)
Studio Curriculum (8:49)
Intro Students (2:11)
Student Recognition (1:25)
Student Discipline (6:17)
Lil' Picasso ASSISTANT Checklist
Lil' Picasso TEACHER Checklist
Lesson 1: Program General Information (2:00)
Lesson 2: Curriculum (7:40)
Lesson 3: Creativity (2:29)
Lesson 4: Project Slides (14:48)
Lesson 5: Prepping LP Projects (6:03)
Lesson 6: Setting up the Classroom (2:45)
Lesson 7: Teaching Style (20:00)
Lesson 8: Teacher Checklist/Class Structure Outline (5:23)
CMP Assistant Checklist
CMP Teacher Checklist
CMP Teacher Scripts
Lesson 1: CMP General Info (3:34)
Lesson 2: Curriculum (3:30)
Lesson 3: Creativity (2:50)
Lesson 4: Class Format (12:49)
Lesson 5: WarmUps
Lesson 6: Teacher Check Points (13:38)
Lesson 7: Project Time (10:43)
Lesson 8: Surface and Orientation
Lesson 9: Size and Placement
Lesson 10: Class Set Up (1:34)
Lesson 11: Discipline (5:04)
Lesson 12: Core Teacher Evaluation Form (4:46)
Assisting in LP: Video and Checklist (13 minutes)
Assisting in CMP: Video and Checklist (15 minutes)
01 Mediums
Colored Pencils (11:06)
Graphite (11:39)
Charcoal (14:06)
Chalk Pastels (9:37)
Oil Pastels (7:35)
Watercolors (11:32)
Acrylics (14:53)
Graphing Ruler (8:50)
Mediums Quick Reference Chart